This is a really exciting article series for me to write, because it is going to be the first of more than 100 articles we are carefully creating to help purposeful men learn how to date in Colombia.
Note: Every article you read on this website is from direct human perspective and will never be AI generated. This is because the perspectives we have to share do not already exist on the internet, are not commonly expressed by travelers on threads or even Redditors, and most who figure out the information we are sharing are living happy, undistributed, quiet, successful lives and they don’t really share this information with others. Why? Because they’re generally happy 🙂
In the previous article, I called out the need for a solid framework before you date in Colombia, travel here, journey here with remote work, move or begin a transformation.
The next tier of preparedness revolves around physical discipline.
Physical Discipline
If you’re not already going to the gym, it’s time. And it’s not just because of the way you look.
It’s true that Colombian women are some of the most beautiful people in the world, inside and out. You’ll find, even in our dating courses, led by beautiful instructors, that the physical composition of a man is not that important to most latin women. This is in stark contrast to USA thinking.
Despite lesser care and concern about her man’s physical composition, Colombian women are very active creatures. Walking through large malls, skipping around a few miles while going though bars in a historic district, hiking in a jungle, waling up Montserrat, or holding hands through botanical gardens in Medellin, or at the beach — all basic, normal social activities to consider.
This also translates to the bedroom. If you can’t keep up with her energy, you might have some anxiety when another man dances up to her, or gives her attention while walking around the historic district. Own your confidence now and start to discipline the growth and development of your physical strength.
A basic and reliable gym routine:
If you already go to the gym — just step it up a bit before your travel. Go for your PR. When in Colombia, get your membership at SmartFit for about $15/month. I recommend the “Black” subscription so you can bring a friend or future date with you. But keep your PR going when you’re in Colombia and you’ll find a community of men there will also come around you in way more collegiate ways than we usually find at the PlanetFitness in the US.
Overall, you’ll be glad you’re worked on strength before you traveled because it will lead to comfort benefits during outdoor situations, confidence benefits while dating, and community benefits among healthy people in Colombia.
German Volume Training. I like this one because it just revolves around knowing a few lifts and putting them on repeat until you reach your max. You can know 6-8 different lifts and plan your workouts for the entire week with just these, while seeing some results in strength development.
Work out with a friend. I guarantee you at least 25% of your friends go to the gym and every single one of them will feel good about you going to the gym with them, or maybe even gain some validation by taking you under their wing for a couple days or showing you a few lifts.
Physical Looks
If you think you have to primp and prep before you travel to Colombia, think again.Â
Colombian women are attracted to organized men who take care of ourselves, but we can get all of that done here for a fraction of the price, often at higher quality than most places for men in the USA.
For example:
Hair Cuts
In Colombia, there are plenty of amazing barbers. Prince is usually 1/10th of the price from the USA. And don’t expect a quick cut, barbers spend quality time on you while honing their craft, sometimes up to two hours for the service. It’s normal for barbers to also cut your other facial hair (beard, eyebrows, waxing nose, and even basic facials). They have everything to do it, as if you’re at a spa, and it’s totally normal to go in on these services while getting your cut.
Skin Care
In my opinion, skin care here is some of the best in the world, at a fraction of the cost. You’ll likely find a gorgeous woman who will work on your extractions and cleanings for 1/8th of the price you would pay in the USA. [Downside: In terms of Lazer treatments, there is not a lot of IPL or Co2 technology readily available. If it is, it’s at the malls or specialist centers, and likely just as expensive because basic tech advancement is typically the same price (or more) in Colombia because of taxes and it’s in low supply.]
You can’t go wrong with traditional services for skin treatments.
Dental work is also about 1/8th of the price and the quality of care is comparable or better. You might not find the most advanced dental office in the world, but the dentists here know what they’re doing. You’ll get a 9-year diploma’d dentist working for 2 hours on your basic cleaning. Invisalign and other services are also available at a fraction of the cost. Message us and we’ll connect you to a great dentist in Bogota.
Muscle Gain
Colombia is a great place for exercise and physical fitness, at a fraction of the cost. SmartFit is a popular gym with modern equipment, a strong community of trainers and guests, hours until about 10pm each night, and generally great amenities. A “black” gym membership gives you access in every city in Colombia, with the ability to invite a guest with you 5x per month, per guest. Just $15/month.
Weight Loss
If you’re on a diet or a weight loss formula, you’re not going to have any trouble finding weight loss products from health stores here. The “FDA” of Colombia is definitely not as strict as the USA, and a lot of medicines are not controlled or restricted from public access here. While I’m not a weight loss expert on medicines and formulas for it, I can attest that the standard food here is often meat and vegetables, and most of us will lose weight naturally by eating three standard meals that are more “keto” or “mediterranean diet” oriented, naturally through diet. It’s just healthier food than our typical US diet. If you’ll be in Colombia for a longer period of time, you’ll likely find yourself losing weight without trying and also without a lot of discomfort.
Men’s Health
When it comes to men’s health and medicines that impact hormonal balance, I was a director of a concierge men’s clinic in the USA and I’m often pleasantly surprised by the pharmacy system in Colombia. You can legally buy several products in a Colombia pharmacy, without doctor approval, that you certainly cannot get in the USA. You can also get your labs here without a doctor’s order. Of course, don’t begin to mess around with your hormones if you don’t know what you are doing. But good to know that if you are on a regiment to optimize your energy, you’ll save money in Colombia and reduce time while using the same products through Colombian pharmacies.
Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery
If you’re doing some transformational aesthetics work, basic plastic surgeries are extremely sought after in cities like Medellin. I have never had this type of work done, but I’ve seen the results. They are excellent. For hair treatment — I’ve heard it’s better in places like Turkey. But not to worry. I’ve never heard of Colombian women complaining about a hairline.
Show up to Colombia looking disheveled and you’ll be a new man, in no time, at a fraction of the cost.g, you’ll want to move that digital, and keep your counseling accessible to you while you’re traveling or pursuing life transformation.
Physical Performance
Since I am writing this about dating for men from all ages, backgrounds and walks of life, there’s a detailed members-only discussion on around men’s health.
For now, I’ll leave you with the fact that you won’t need to worry about prescription medicine when you come to Colombia. Everything you need for physical performance is available over the counter at pharmacies at about 50% lower out-of-the-pocket cost for prescriptions than in the US. You likely won’t need a specialized doctor if you know what you need. And if you’re monitoring a hormone treatment, you can get your labs done here for about $60-$120, depending on the city.
Overall, starting somewhere is better than starting nowhere, and dating in Colombia is a great reason to get in shape and in control of your confidence. At 35 years old, I’m the strongest I’ve ever been just through regular disciplines and some new knowledge about diet. Schedule a call with me and let’s get a plan and routine setup for you that supports your physical health and development.
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